My life has changed so much. I used to worry about everything - I am learning to let go.
There is no one else I need to take care - Kids are grown and have their own lives, Mom and Dad have passed.
I have sold my house and sooner than later I will be selling Mom's house - Then I will be able to buy a house up in Oregon, until then I have no strings pulling at me.
The first (of soon to be many) time of running away from home(mom's house), I did almost 4,000 miles in 3 weeks. Many of those pictures will be posting soon - I've started with first stop in Morro bay and up the coast to the elephant beach - Pacific Coast Hwy is still closed so you can't get to Monterey without going inland.
I am doing things that I always wanted to - My life has become an adventure instead of a responsibility - Things aren't always straightforward - hiccups along the way.
There is no set pattern - once I get my truck road ready - The only thing I am doing is
I found this photography school in Santa Fe New Mexico years ago - been on their mailing list ever since - never imagine that I could actually go to it - I have signed up for a class in July. After that - who knows - Mt Rushmore, the Badlands, Yellowstone.